Ethnography Field Note 6

May 3 – Philosophy Reflection Paper

Today, I began work on my Philosophy reflection paper that is due at the end of the week. Our professor gave us a fairly open prompt for this assignment, which required me to think about what to write. I began brainstorming in my hotel room early in the morning as I knew that it might take awhile to get some meaningful work done. Being the last week of classes and the week before finals, I was already pretty stressed with the amount of work I had. This unfortunately made it difficult to focus on this assignment as my work in other classes was hanging over my head a bit. I also knew that this assignment was worth a large percentage of our grade and needed to cover material from the entire semester, which also added to the pressure I felt. However, this was a relatively conventional school essay, so I had the experience needed to get it done. Additionally, it only needed to be three pages long, which was feasible. It took about an hour of jotting down ideas before I decided what to write about. At that point, I felt a lot less stressed about the assignment and was able to begin writing a draft quickly. I decided to write for 2 hours to see how much I could get done. After writing for that length of time, I had written just under 3 pages, putting me in a good position to get the paper done by the deadline.

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